आवाज़ पर इस हफ्ते के सितारे हैं, निखिल वर्गीस राजन. १७ वर्षीया निखिल मूल रूप से एक संगीतकार और गायक हैं, जिनकी मात्रभाषा मलयालम है. की बोर्ड और तबला इनका प्रिय वाद्य-यन्त्र है, अरूधंती राय की पुस्तकें पढ़ना इन्हें पसंद हैं और क्रिकेट और फुटबाल खेलने का भी शौक रखते हैं, संगीतकारों/गायकों में इन्हें ए आर रहमान और हरिहरन सबसे अधिक भाते हैं, केरल के कोठाराकरा में इनका घर है, मगर आज कल अपनी इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई कर रहे हैं कोयम्बतूर, तमिल नाडू के करुणया महाविद्यालय से, इनका पहला गीत जो इन्होने युग्म के लिए किया वो है "
संगीत दिलों का उत्सव है ", जिसमें इनका काम बेहद सराहा गया, जब उनसे हिंद युग्म की टीम ने पूछा कि कैसा रहा, उनका अनुभव हिंद युग्म के लिए इस गीत को बनाने में तो उन्होंने अपनी बात इस तरह रखी, पढ़िए उन्हीं की ज़ुबानी -

hi, namaskaar…..I am Nikhil Varghese Rajan, the composer of this song. I am doing my B-Tech in Karunya Univesity ,Coimbatore.I am very happy that you guys gave a good response for my first song. My whole hearted thanks for this encouragement. I am very proud to say that all those involved in this song are amateurs. First of all I

am thanking Sajeev Sarathie(Delhi) for giving an awesome lyrics for my song and for giving me an opportunity to put my music through this blog. Through Charles Finny I met Sajeev bhai through Orkut from a community of lyricists and we asked him to write lyrics for me. He did that and send us a beautiful lyrics which is the main stanza of this song and within one day I composed a tone for this lyrics and send to him. He liked the tone and send us a full fledged lyrics of this song. He gave us an opportunity to submit this song to this blog. I faced a lot of barrier before creating this song in to a full fledged one. I had only a little time to spend for this song due to my University exams, internals and projects and also I have only less support from my parents because they were afraid that whether it will affect in my studies. I faced a difficulty in finding a Female singer who is having a good pronunciation in Hindi in south India. Atlast we met Mithila Kanugo, through our guitarist Vishal. She was enough talented than what I expected and also one drawback was that she got only a little time to practice this song. From this short time practice she made it awesome and still I believe that she could make her part more better if she had got enough time to practice. Her mother Rohini aunty who is also a good singer ,gave a very good guidance during the recording. It took almost five days to complete this song. I got an excellent support from my friends especially from my best friend Mathew Livingston who helped me a lot during recording and who is the sound engineer of this song gave a good guidance in composing the track of this song and Charles made a good role in orchestration of this music, Vishal is the guitarist of this song and he helped for composing guitar chords. The percussion instrument Tabla was handled by me. With the help of these guys I completed my song successfully. I humbly request everybody's support and cooperation for my future contribution to the music. I once again thank u all for giving me a good response for my song. For any further information please may contact through phone or e-mail.
Phone.No- +919790604549 (Tamil Nadu)
+919961571294 (Kerela)
E-Mail : niky2k2004enator@gmail.com
so guys, this was nikhil for you, please listen to his song
here and have your comments as well...
सुनिए एक बार फ़िर "
संगीत दिलों का उत्सव है " और इस उभरते हुए संगीतकार को अपना प्रोत्साहन दें....
आप क्या कहना चाहेंगे? (post your comment)
14 श्रोताओं का कहना है :
As far as Music is concerned youhave done a grt job. Keep it up.
bahut sundar laga suanana aage badte rahe yahi dua hai ..good job :)
u r great yaar... ur song says ur hard work... we all Hindi Premi will wait for ur next stuf..
thanks nikhil, it was great working with u guys, keep rocking
निखिल जी आपने जो संगीत "संगीत दिलो का उत्सव है" में दिया कमाल का संगीत है
हमारी दुआए आपके साथ है आप आगे ही आगे बढे
wonderful song i loveddddddddddddd it!!!!!!!
This song is really amazing !!!! wonderfull composing and gr8 singing ... congratulations to all those associated !!!! it was a superb teamwork ... and i must say .. fabulous work everbody !!!! Good job nikhil ........ proud of u !!!!
Awesome song!I have it on repeat on my Ipod :)
I'm so proud of you Mithila!
hey nikh....
itz really awesome!!!
realy grt.......keep on moving u will reach ur destination
Nikh...great....awesome.....wonderful....superb...n....al de bst 4 a bright future....
Congradulations!!!Nikhil.Very Very Nice composition.Ur father beautifully tuned one of my songs years back.Happy to see U R also so versatile with such inborn talent.Hats off to You-Prof.TS Venugopal,Pathanapuram.
poyi kondopoyi pettiyil vekkada :)
ur song sounds good
आप क्या कहना चाहेंगे? (post your comment)